Friday, July 26, 2024

Best museums in Greece

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The history of Greece is very rich and dates back 5,000 years. This is why it attracts around 19 million tourists annually. The simplest and most comprehensible way to learn more about the ancient cities and art of Greece is to visit its museums. We have prepared brief information about the best places that will definitely interest you:

The National Archaeological Museum on Patision Street. Here, over 20,000 exhibits are constantly on display, all from different eras. The building was damaged by an earthquake in 1999 and was reopened to visitors in 2004. In the museum, every tourist can admire a collection of bronze castings, ceramics, and sculptures.

The Acropolis Museum is located 3.5 kilometers from the previous location. It was officially opened in 2009, and the project was carried out by the Swiss architect Bernard Tschumi. It is a five-level building where museum exhibits are displayed on three floors, and archaeological excavations are still being conducted on the fourth floor. Imagine the atmosphere, as you can see historical discoveries with your own eyes. The fifth floor of the museum houses restaurants and souvenir shops.

The Museum of Byzantine and Christian Art is located in the center of Athens. It was founded in 1914 and houses over 25,000 unique exhibits of Byzantine and Christian art. In the museum, tourists can view exhibits created from the 3rd century AD, explore various styles and techniques of Byzantine art. In 1993, expansion works on the museum’s premises began, and three additional underground floors were built.

The Benaki Museum was founded in 1930 by collector Antonis Benakis. It houses objects of everyday life from different eras – ancient, Byzantine, and modern. Here you can find a Corinthian-type helmet, which was common from the 6th to 4th centuries BC. The Benaki Museum often hosts exhibitions and attracts visitors to see the largest collection of icons.

The Museum of Ancient Greek Technologies named after Kostas Kotsanis was opened in 1999. Since then, it has attracted tourists and researchers because it recreates the technologies of ancient Greek civilization. By visiting this museum, you can see the principles of operation of ancient mechanisms. The museum conducts interactive demonstrations and masterclasses where you can try their operation yourself.

The Archaeological Museum of Heraklion is located on the island of Crete. The building where it is housed was constructed in 1937 specifically for this museum. Here, there are a great number of exhibits from the Paleolithic era to the Greek period. People come here to see frescoes, amphorae, and ceramics that were found during excavations on Crete.

The Museum of Olympia was founded in 1914. It houses historical and cultural artifacts related to the history of the Olympic Games. On February 17, 2012, the museum was robbed, and 77 exhibits were stolen. The culprits were apprehended in the same year in November. The museum is located more than 250 km away from the National Archaeological Museum, and the fastest way to get there is by car. You can use car rental in Greece to travel quickly and comfortably throughout the country.

How to manage to visit all the museums in Greece

Visiting all Greek museums is possible if you follow our tips:

  1. Make a list of museums you want to visit

Make a list of places you plan to visit. First and foremost, pay attention to national museums, and then explore thematic sites. By compiling a list, you will be able to plan your itinerary in such a way as to visit all the museums in Greece within a short period of time.

Note: Study the museums’ schedules to avoid disappointment if something is closed. 

  1. Book tickets in advance

In the modern world, tickets can be booked online, even for museums. You can do this on the museum’s website. This way, you won’t have to wait in long queues, which means you’ll have more time to visit other places. Tickets are also available at tourist agencies.

Note: To know for sure if online tickets can be booked, contact the museum directly and verify the information.

  1. Visit museums during the off-peak season

Summer is the tourist season in Greece. All the landmarks are surrounded by crowds of tourists, so you won’t be able to fully enjoy the significant places. You can avoid the peak season by simply visiting in spring or autumn.

Note: Keep in mind that museums in Greece can be particularly crowded on certain holidays: Easter, Independence Day, and Ohi Day.

  1. Use the services of a guide

You can gain maximum information about the museum’s exhibits by using the services of a guide. They will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere and understand the historical context of the exhibition.

Note: Don’t forget about audio guides that provide narrations in different languages. This will allow you to explore the museum without changing your pace.

  1. Rent a car

The most convenient way to travel around Greece is by car. It adds comfort and flexibility to your journey. You will also be able to spend more time at each destination since you won’t be tied to the schedule of public transportation. Cars in Greece can be rented on the website of LocalCarRent. The company offers favorable conditions and allows you to see a large number of historical sites in a short period of time.

Note: Take into account possible traffic jams and always use navigation to avoid breaking traffic rules.

  1. Don’t try to visit all the museums in one day

Although Greece is a small country, it is rich in museums and landmarks. Each has its own value and uniqueness, which requires time to explore. It is better to visit 2-3 museums per day instead of trying to quickly tour all the places.

Note: The quality of your experience is more important than the number of places visited.

The museums of Greece are a rich heritage of the country, which holds a special historical value. By visiting several places, you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in ancient culture, art, and archaeology. And by following our simple advice, your trip will definitely be comfortable. Don’t forget to bring your camera and simply enjoy your stay in Greece!

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